Did you know that?! You truly are!
You are an AMAZING mom!
You are an AMAZING person!
You are an AMAZING daughter, wife, friend . . . . and so much more!
How do I know?
“No I’m not Lori. You don’t even know me. You can’t say that about me. You don’t know my life, what I’ve done, how I’ve messed up, the mistakes I’ve made as a person, a mom, a wife, a friend, a daughter and more. How can you say that I am ‘amazing’?”
You are right. I don’t know. But there is someone who does know . . . and He thinks you are still AMAZING! 🙂 Do you know why? Because He created you, He planned out every detail of every cell in your body, He loved you before you were even created, and He still loves you – even if you have “messed up a lot” in life! He really does! He loves you no matter what!
How to be Amazing
So – if you don’t “feel” amazing . . . how can you “be” amazing?
Think of a little kid . . . sitting down at the piano . . . plucking out a tune – maybe even trying to play his favorite song. But he’s only 4 . . . so he doesn’t quite get it right. He messes up. The notes are off at times (or most of the time). But he is singing right along with his off-key, off-tempo song . . . trying his best . . . trying his 4 year old best.
Imagine his mom or dad coming in and hearing him play. Are they upset that he is making so many mistakes? Do they belittle him for not hitting the right keys? No . . . (unless they are just mean) . . . they praise him and probably think he has just created a masterpiece equal to Mozart . . . in fact . . . he just might be the next Mozart or Beethoven! They whip out the video camera to capture this moment – the beginning of the genius-level piano-playing talent of their little boy. They just KNOW that he is going to be someone great! They are pleased as any good parent would be (and will probably go brag on their son to everyone they encounter . . . much to other people’s dismay at times!).
What makes you amazing?
Ok – so it’s not that the little boy was talented (or had a lack of talent) that made him amazing in his parent’s eyes. If he had played a Mozart concerto perfectly, or if he had tinkered out “Mary had a little lamb” (as I did at 4) – he was amazing . . . because his parents thought so!
YOU are AMAZING – because your “Daddy” thinks so!
“My dad doesn’t care a lick about me!” you say.
I’m not talking earthly parents here.
Some of us had wonderful, loving, stable parents and homes. Some (if not many) did not. I know that many of you came from broken families, filled with broken people. I know that many of you did not get the praise, adoration, encouragement and love that others did – but that all of us need.
But let me tell you this (and it’s the truth) – there IS a Father (Daddy, Papa) that not only does love you unconditionally, but he wants to shower that love on you and have you know it in the depths of your being!
John 15:16a – You did not choose me, but I chose you . . .
Daddy’s Girl!
I didn’t grow up as a “daddy’s girl” as much as I did a “mommy’s girl”. But when I was 19, I learned about the unconditional love of God the Father – and it changed my life! It has continued to change my life, my self-image, my confidence, my parenting skills, my relationships, and more. I would not be who I am today (or even be here – alive today – for that matter)!
It has definitely been an ongoing process -but I can say that at 19, there was a huge shift in the way I viewed God (see my testimony HERE). No longer was he a distant Being in the sky – yes loving – but distant . . . but really only concerned about the “spiritual” things in my life (had I read my Bible and done my devotions every day, did I forgive when I should have? etc). I grew up as a pastor’s kid – and this was my view of God. But in YWAM, at 19, God showed me a different side of Him. I learned that He likes to play with me, that He loves it when I come to him as a little girl – as HIS little girl. I can sit in His lap, let Him hold me, comfort me, tell me stories (even jokes! Yes – He does have a sense of humor!!), and most importantly – let Him just love me!
His love has transformed me like nothing else ever can or will!
His love is not only unconditional – but it is unending!
There is NOTHING that I could do that will ever cause Him to think anything about me other than thoughts of love.
Romans 8:38 & 39 – For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
“Be” the AMAZING person you ARE!
Don’t just “feel” amazing (our feelings lie to us all the time!) – but KNOW that you ARE amazing! God thinks so (and so do I) – and when you grasp hold of what HE thinks about you . . . it will change your life!
I heard a quote once, that I try to adhere to in my life:
Don’t ever have a thought about yourself that God doesn’t have about you!
Can you do that? 🙂
Try it!
If you don’t know what He thinks about you . . . spend some time with Him . . . listen to Him . . . write it down . . . and read His Word (it was written for YOU! And it has a LOT to say about you . . . and how much God loves you!). Here’s just a little bit . . .
Psalm 139:13-18
13For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.
Did you read that?! His thoughts about you OUTNUMBER THE GRAINS OF SAND! 🙂 Woo-hoo! That’s a lot of good thoughts . . . all about you!
Do you believe it now? 🙂 I hope so!
If you are a Christian – You have been adopted into a new family . . . Daddy God’s . . . and His love for you is UNCONDITIONAL and NEVER ENDING! If you don’t know God yet . . . He is ready, willing and waiting to welcome you into His family . . . forever! (If you don’t know how – just ask! I’d be happy to have another sister (or brother) in my family!!!) 🙂