In light of the fact that many of you are new to Mothering Matters this week (thanks to the generous Giveaway going on) – I wanted to say . . .
My hope and goal with Mothering Matters is to be an encouragement, support and resource for you moms (and dads).
Here are some of the general categories of “Matters” that I love to share about:
I also wanted to introduce myself . . .
Who is this Mom?
My name is Lori and I am a mother of 5 Fantastic Kids, and wife to 1 Wonderful Hubby! Yes – I am a Christian, and I wouldn’t be alive today (literally!! – nor would my kids – obviously!) without the love of God in my life. I’m not ashamed to say it – and in fact, if you want to know more about it – I’m here! Just ask! (I also write more about God and His love on my other blog at If you don’t want to know more (about God and His love), I hope and pray that you will still find my musings and ramblings about raising 5 kids, adoption, parenting, saving money, organization, Asperger’s Syndrome, Video-game addiction (will get to those 2 topics soon!) and, well . . . anything that Matters to Mothers and pertains to Mothering – a delight, as well as informative, helpful and encouraging!
Why I stated Mothering Matters
I started this blog years ago (on blogger) as a place to share things that I have learned or that mattered to me along this wonderful (but sometimes crazy and insane) adventure called Motherhood.
I was involved with MOPS (Mother’s Of PreSchoolers) at the time, and it was definitely a God-send in my life! As a mom with young kids – you definitely need a support system and an outlet – to connect with other moms who are going through and possibly struggling with the same things you are. MOPS was that place for me in those early years of parenting. But I also wanted to create a place to be able to reach out to others who were not in my MOPS group.
Now, my kids are all in school (5 kids in FIVE schools, elementary through High School! Yes – call me crazy!), and my life is quite different. I hope to create a place here, for moms, where you can find other moms who are going through and possibly struggling with some of the same issues you are. (Dads – You are definitely welcome too! But just know – I’ll be writing from a mom’s perspective Hope that’s ok!)
It’s OK 2 Be U!
Ultimately – I want to be able to encourage all of you – that it’s OK 2 Be U! God designed and made you just the way you are . . . Unique!
He gave you the kids that He wanted you to have! You are the BEST mom for those kiddos! You truly are!
So . . . I hope you will join me in discovering just who you are, how you best parent, what your amazing skills and talents are, how you can influence not only your kids and spouse – but a generation and a world around you! I know . . . it’s a lot to think about! It sounds like a tough job. Well . . . it is! But I want to be here to support you!
You are doing a great job so far! Keep up the good work!
Let’s learn and grow together, challenge, support and encourage each other!
Will you join me? 
I hope so.
Some popular posts to start you off
Just to Tickle your Funny Bone (yes, this one has “bathroom humor”! 🙂 hee,hee)
Bedtime Parenting Technique . . . FAIL!
Perfection or Excellence? Obedience or Honor?
Abundant Blessings!! Today – and every day!
Oh – and I LOVE to hear what Matters to you! Let me know!
Thanks for warm welcome. I hope to connect with some other moms of special needs kids. My 11 year old daughter has Epilepsy (takes medication) and ADHD (non-medicated) and I also have a 23 year old daughter attending law school.
Welcome Lori!! BTW – LOVE the name! 🙂 It means “Victorious One”! Which is why I “blame” my parents for the fact that I never liked losing games as a kid and always had a hard time admitting defeat (or saying I’m sorry). 🙂 They named me Lori – Victorious One – so it’s their fault! 🙂 hee,hee j/k
Welcome – and I hope you are able to connect with some other moms! My oldest has Asperger’s and my 11 yr old just started on meds for ADD. Throw in some giftedness, adoption issues, and just their own uniqueness . . . and each of our kids are “special needs”! 🙂 No matter how “normal” a kid might seem (or neurotypical) . . . they each have their own unique needs, challenges, strengths and more! I love them all, am challenged by them all, and desire to see them be all that they were designed to be . . . fantastically and specially unique! As parents, our job is to find and call out the “gold” in each of our kids – no matter their strengths or challenges. EVERYONE has something of value inside of them! 🙂
Abundant blessings today!! And Welcome!