The Peaceful Mom: Becoming Despearate

I just HAD to share this with you today!

I posted it at Drink from the Deep as well – but thought it definitely applied to us as mom’s – whether you have struggled with postpartum depression, or just other dark/depressed times in your life.

Kimberlee – over at The Peaceful Mom – has written a transparent post today about a desperate (and depressed) time in her life.

Are you struggling as well?

Has depression hit you like a mac truck – or maybe rolled in like a storm front?

You are not alone!

We’ve all been there to varying degrees.  I’ve been in what seemed like a slippery slope into the pit of hell a few times.  This fall we have been struggling with some dark times and places.  You are definitely not alone (or abnormal because you are going through this!).

In the dark – a new day begins!

Even though, hitting rock bottom is terrible, frightening, exhausting, and filled with hopelessness . . . it is a perfect place to begin a new day – a new season – to be rescued from on High, to be given an “upgrade” in an area (or many) in your life!

There is now an opportunity in your life for God to work His wonders! Miracles, provision, abundant grace, an increased knowledge and experience of His unfailing love and so much more.

The trenches and pits we find ourselves in – CAN be turned into the greatest places of victory, strengthening, healing, teaching, training, and relationship-building (with God especially)!

I am who I am today because of the valleys and dark places in my life.

I am who I am today because of the mountain-top experiences and firm “rocks” that God has placed me on after pulling me out of the pit.

I am able to “destroy the works of the enemy” and have authority over more areas in life BECAUSE of the victory attained in and from those pits! YAY!

More pits = More power!

So – the more pits you’ve been in and received victory over/in . . . the more powerful you are – the more authority you have to destroy what the enemy is doing in other people’s lives in those same areas!! Go for it!!

And if you still feel like you are in a ton of pits . . . realize that these are opportunities for God to use you mightily!!  You ARE a mighty woman/man of God (in training!).  🙂  Like someone once told me“God must have AWESOME plans for your life if the Devil is working so hard to mess it up!”  YAY!

You’ve got to read this awesome picture/vision about how God redesigns our shackles and chains into a sword!   It will give you something to hold onto when you are working towards getting free from the shackles and chains – and then also after you have been set free!

YOU are amazing!

And YOU are truly loved and cherished . . . so much so – that God is fighting FOR you today! 🙂  He’s got his sword held high – and He’s on your side – fighting for greater things to come – fighting for your freedom – fighting for you to have the abundant life that Jesus died for you to have!

Drink Deep of God’s love and be Refreshed today!

You are BLESSED!

In what area(s) are you (will you be) a victorious warrior?! (ie – what are you struggling with today?)

Please share with your friends through the buttons below! Thanks!