Sunday Sip: Psalm 46:10

Well – Today I needed to hear this!

I have had a busy week this past week, with Spring Break (and 5 kids at home!) and all the cleaning and purging we’ve been doing.  I had meant to write my Sunday Sip yesterday, but was trying to finish up the boys and girls rooms before dinner last night.  Plan B – write the post after church today . . . but instead I fell asleep, and ever since waking up have been feeling very tingly, dizzy and lethargic.  Not sure what that’s all about (still feel a bit “weird”).  So I jokingly told my mom “I guess this was God’s way of getting me to sit still and rest today!”

There are still a million things on my “to-do” list, and all the things we pulled out of the kid’s rooms are in a pile of a mess in the playroom (that we had cleaned up earlier in the week)!  But today, on this Sabbath day . . . I truly did need to just “Be still” and know that God is in control.  He knows what I “need” to get done.  He knows all the thoughts, concerns, prayers, requests, plans and more that are coursing through my brain.  And yet, He said I can rest, I can be still  – and know that He is in control.  It is actually a command – BE STILL!

Ok.  I get it!  I will! 🙂 . . . . At least for about 15 more minutes, when I’ll have to get up and go make dinner.  Or . . .  Maybe we’ll just order pizza instead! 🙂

I pray that this week you can find time to truly BE STILL . . . and fully know that God is God, that He can do what He says He can do, that you can do what He says you can do, and that even if (especially when) you rest – He’s still always at work in our life!

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”Matthew 6:33

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  1. So true Lori! I had an almost exact convo w/God myself today! Be still…rest…trust Me. It isn’t easy, but the more we practice it, the easier it gets and I’m starting to really enjoy resting in the presence of the Lord. My blog tomorrow will be on “active rest v passive rest.”

    1. Yes girl . . . REST! Remember that chair you are supposed to sit in and watch the rest of us run for awhile?! 🙂 Enjoy the view!

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