Proverbs 4:23 – “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”
Or as the NIV states ” . . . for everything you do flows from it!”
I LOVE this verse! It has recently become my verse that covers everything I do – as a mom, wife, friend, daughter, and even daughter of the King. There are a ton of books out there about how to have a successful life, a fulfilled life, a purpose driven life, a happy life and more. But the best book to know truly how to have an abundant, joy-filled life is the Bible – and this verse gets to the root of much of our dysfunction, unhappiness and struggles in life.
What is a wellspring?
- an original and bountiful source of something
- a source of continual supply
Wow! Don’t we all want that . . . a “continual supply . . . and bountiful source” of life?
So how do we get that?
How do we have this abundant life?
By guarding our heart!
And how do you do that? How do you guard your heart? What do you need to guard it from? Things? People? Feelings? Situations?
What does it mean to Guard?
- Watch over to keep safe – from harm and danger
- Protect and control access to
This is a topic I want to dive into more – and would be more than a “Sip” today if I did (more like a few gallons!) . . .
So I’m going to leave you with this to meditate on today . . .
In what area(s) have you allowed your heart (and wellspring) to become vulnerable (not protected/guarded) to the outside “elements” . . . so that it is a bit tainted or mucky and thus that abundant “life” is not flowing like you want?
Where do you need to ask God for forgiveness, accept His forgiveness, and make some decisions to be intentional in guarding your heart?
What do you think it means to “guard your heart”?
Share your thoughts with us below. I’d love to get your insight and revelation on this verse and how you are challenged or encouraged by it in your life.