Sunday Sip: Introduction & Proverbs 14:1

What is a “Sunday Sip”

For those that didn’t know – I write another blog called Drink From the Deep.  It is a place for anyone to come and find refreshing and “life-giving drinks from the well of God’s love”.  I wanted to bring you guys a “sip” each week (a scripture, a word, or possibly even a snippet or link to a post) – to start the week off right, and give you something to refresh your soul, soothe your soreness, clean your wounds, and/or get you ready for another week of motherhood.

{Ok, ok . . . the pic above is not a glass of water . . . but I know moms . . . many of us live on coffee instead (coffee is made from water though – so it’s kind of healthy)! 🙂  And I know for a fact that God makes coffee!  It’s in the Bible . . . “He-brews”!  🙂 hee, hee . . . sorry.  Had to say it!}

Motherhood can take a lot out of you, and personally, I couldn’t do it without God (well . . . I would still be a mom . . . but not a very good one!  I’m still pretty crabby if I’m awakened from a nap too early!  Just imagine what I’d be like without God’s love, joy and peace to help me! :)).

If there is one thing I’ve found that has helped more than anything in my adventures and journey of being a mom – it’s spending time with God, leaning on Him and His big, capable chest when I’m tired, hearing His heartbeat and thoughts for me, and getting to know just who I am as a daughter of the King!

It is His LOVE that allows and enables me to love my kids the way I do.  It is His love that has healed my heart, forgiven me for my mounds of mistakes and sins, and has transformed me from the insecure, shy little girl I once was – to a confident and strong woman of God and mighty warrior in His kingdom! 🙂  It is His love that has shown me that my name was no accident – Lori: Victorious One!  (no wonder I ALWAYS had to win at games when I was a kid!  No, really – I did!  I used to cry playing Old Maids if I ended up with the maid! 🙂  . . . Ok . . . I was, like, FOUR when I did that!)

Today’s Sip

Proverbs 14:1

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

Are you building up your house today?  Are you building up each member of your house?  Or tearing them down?

My son had done something a couple years ago, and I was telling him what a good job he had done.  I was proud of him.  But I was not prepared for his response.  “Thanks mom . . . but now . . . go ahead with the criticism.  What could I have done better?”


I never even realized I did that.  I grew up with the same thing in my life “That’s great hon – but you know what would have been better?”  It wasn’t an intentional tearing down – but in my little mind as a kid, I must have interpreted it – “That’s good – but you are not good enough . . . You can’t do things well on your own.”    And as we grow older – we tend to repeat what we experienced.

Since that revelation by my son, I’ve had to repent to him (and God), seek forgiveness, forgive my parent, and ask God to forgive me for any judgments I made against my parent (because we truly do reap what we sow).  I do not want this pattern to continue in my children’s lives as well.

Am I perfect now?

By no means.

Do I slip up and try to give too many suggestions?  (I wish I could say no.)

But I’m working on it.  I’m working on being more proactive in watching whether my words and actions are “building up” or “tearing down”, as well as being open and honest about my mistakes and apologizing.

Are you going to build today?

I don’t want this “sip” to be a condemning word to you today. Please don’t let it!  If you’ve made mistakes in the past (or even this morning!) – don’t worry.  It’s been covered by Jesus’ blood!  You’ve been forgiven!

Isaiah 43:18 says – Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.

Now – Today is a NEW DAY!  So – start rebuilding today!  And know that – God can redeem ANYTHING! 🙂  He truly can!

You are a good mom . . . even if you don’t feel like it today!

What is one way you can build your house today?

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