OK – This one is just for fun! “You know you are too busy (stressed/tired/etc) when . . . . “ Fill in the “. . . ” for me! I’ll start. . . . I sprayed white board cleaner in my hair thinking it was my leave-in conditioner spray! (maybe subconsciously I thought it… Continue reading You know you are too busy when . . .
Video Game Troubles?
OK – so when I originally set up this blog – the very first topic I wanted to talk about was this – Video Game Addictions. As you can see . . . . I’m not only a busy mom of 5 . . . but a procrastinator who gets easily distracted by other interests!… Continue reading Video Game Troubles?
Riding the Waves
Check out my post today on my other blog – Drink From the Deep. Just want to encourage you not only in mothering, but in life in general! Blessings!
My mother-in-law sent this to me, and I thought I would pass it on as it is a good reminder for us ladies! My favorite part is in red! š I think that will be my new motto this year! A POEM ABOUT OUR GIRLFRIENDS Someone will always be prettier. Some will always be smarter.… Continue reading A POEM ABOUT OUR GIRLFRIENDS
The ONLY Resolution you need to make!
In 2008, I resolve to . . . . What did you resolve to do in 2008? Did you write it down? Make a list? Was it longer than your grocery list? Did you make any resolutions or goals at all? In years past I have had goals and resolution lists longer than the Constitution… Continue reading The ONLY Resolution you need to make!
Return to Sender – Final news!
Well – check it out on the ACLJ’s website!! We will “not be prohibited” from passing out our candy canes this year! It only took the school’s lawyers a year to get back to us! š But at least they came to the right decision. I would still love to see some sort of memo… Continue reading Return to Sender – Final news!
Mom’s Christmas Wish List
I’m not sure who wrote this, but I love it! As a mom (or dad) I’m sure most of us can relate! Dear Santa, I’ve been a good mom all year.I’ve fed, cleaned and cuddled my children on demand, visited the doctor’s office more than my doctor, sold sixty-two cases of candy bars to raise… Continue reading Mom’s Christmas Wish List
Santa Baby
Ok – I just died laughing tonight!!! My 13 year old son Tyler and I were in the kitchen together as he was making juice and I was doing the laundry. As usual, I had music from the radio playing . . . .Christmas music of course! The fun and cute song – Santa Baby… Continue reading Santa Baby
Tragedy in Adopting
I have to share this with you all. I am sitting here snuggling with my little Guatemalan girl – crying and trying to explain this all to her – all the while, grateful that I have the chance to snuggle with her! My good friend Kelly (who I met through my adoption agency . .… Continue reading Tragedy in Adopting
I Feel Like A Parent!
I’ll never be a Grandma Iām not sure I will ever get any grandkids! No ā I am not old enough to be a grandmother . . . yet . . . thankfully! Nor are my kids old enough to produce any for me (PTL!), but Iām starting to wonder if any of my children… Continue reading I Feel Like A Parent!
22 Weeks
Please see my other blog – Drink from the Deep – to see the trailer for this movie based on a true story of one woman’s experience with delivering her baby alive during an abortion at 22 weeks. I hope and pray that you are able to see the movie too! Demand a screening in… Continue reading 22 Weeks
Born Alive
Amazing! Take the time to watch this!
I know how you feel
I couldn’t decide which blog to put this on as it relates to mothering, but really is also a word for the church – for me and my brothers and sisters in Christ. Please go to my other blog Drink from the Deep to read it. Be encouraged and be challenged today. Above all .… Continue reading I know how you feel
Out of the mouth of babes!
I just had to share this! This was an email from my sister-in-law with her daughter (my niece). Out of the mouth of babes!Last night, I was reading through one of my theology books (Karl Barth’s – God Here And Now) and Gracie was snacking at the table across from me. She paused and asked… Continue reading Out of the mouth of babes!
Drink from the Deep
I just wanted to let you know that I have finally started a new blog (YES – another one!) that I have felt like I was supposed to start for awhile. It’s called “Drink from the Deep“. God has been telling me to “say what I tell you to say Lori”. So I am. I’m… Continue reading Drink from the Deep