NEW! Mothering Matters Community

I am thrilled to announce that we have launched a new place for moms to connect on!

MoMa Community

[MoMa= Mo(thering) Ma(tters) (pronounced Mama)]

My heart for and this community is for it to be a safe place for moms to come and be themselves – to know that it’s OK2BeU(nique)!

Each of you is divinely unique, and I love to hear moms share their uniqueness with others – your tips, advice, experiences, trials, triumphs, fears, concerns – and what “Matters” to you!

So please join us in sharing your adventures in one of the most amazing (and often challenging) jobs . . . mothering!

You can join other moms at Mo(thering) Ma(tters) Community and share what Matters to you, what makes you unique, get help and advice, tips and encouragement – all through the forum discussions, and blogs posts by other moms who have already joined this community.

So check it out, and please feel free to join the Mo(thering) Ma(tters) Community.  Can’t wait to hear some of what “Matters” to you!

Please share with your friends through the buttons below! Thanks!