Now – I am only a “part-time” homeshooling mom (I really call myself a “Homework Helper”), but I have a ton of friends who are wonderful homeschooling moms who are doing an awesome job with their kids! I could not imagine being told that I could NOT homeschool my own kids . . .that it was actually ILLEGAL! Of course – I don’t do well when anyone tells me I can’t do anything! I guess that’s the rebel in me.
Please read the article below and then go to to sign the petition objecting to this ruling if you have a moment. If it takes root, this kind of control could spread to other states as well. Sign the Petition here: . Listen to the full broadcast here:
California Ruling Banning Home Schooling
by Jennifer Mesko, managing editor
Focus chairman calls it an ‘all-out assault on the family.’
A state appeals court has decided California parents without teaching credentials do not have a right to home-school their children.
The 2nd District Court of Appeals ruling could affect up to 200,000 home-schooled students in the state.
“The court is guilty of an imperious assault on the rights of parents,” said Dr. James Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family. “How dare these judges have the audacity to label tens of thousands of parents criminals — the equivalent to drug dealers or pickpockets — because they want to raise and educate their children according to their deeply held values?
“The case before them involved one couple — the ruling should have been confined to that one couple, not used to punish an entire class of people, the vast majority of them religious conservatives.”
According to the Home School Legal Defense Association, California is set to become the only state to deny the vast majority of home schooling parents their fundamental right to teach their children at home. The group will file an amicus brief in the case.
Dr. Dobson said Focus on the Family will do whatever it can to get the ruling overturned and to restore the basic rights of parents in California to determine how their children are educated.
“This is an all-out assault on the family, and it must be met with a concerted effort to defend parents and their children,” he said. “We will team with key allies and use every means at our disposal to make sure that not just every Californian, but every American, is aware of this miscarriage of justice. We will encourage them, by the hundreds of thousands, to make their voices heard on this matter.
“And we’re hopeful that, in the end, common sense and legal sanity will prevail.”
Dr. Dobson will discuss the ruling on his Friday radio broadcast.
Candi Cushman, education analyst for Focus on the Family Action, said the court’s timing is horrible.
“This takes away recourse from thousands of parents in California who want to escape the government-enforced indoctrination in public schools,” she said. “The Legislature recently passed a law that basically ensures that students get a one-sided, positive portrayal of homosexuality and same-sex ‘marriage.’ “
We are asking concerned citizens across America to sign a petition asking the state Supreme Court to “depublish” the case, which means to apply the case to the family involved — not to all California families.
Dr. Dobson will discuss the California ruling on his Friday radio broadcast. Find a station or listen online.