Gotta love a Giveaway! I know I do! I’ve been entering sweepstakes and giveaways off and on since I was 9 and won my first prize – a bright yellow – Mello Yello T-shirt (is that how you spell it?). I was hooked! Since then I have only won a couple other T-shirts and hat and $35 worth of nasty lip gloss! 🙂 I did enter my hubby’s name in a contest too and HE won (and he didn’t even know I had entered him!). He told me “Yes baby . . . you married a man who is 1 in a million here!” 🙂 hee,hee. But that’s another story I’ll have to tell you later . . .of God’s wonderful blessings and the way He loves to surprise us! God is good!
So here are a couple giveaways I thought I would let you know about. PLUS there’s just some good advice, wisdom, and insight into being a Christian mom and woman – aka. Princess to our great King – on these sites! Read away!

Visit Mugs of Truth