Fun Fridays: A website to help you find local kid activities

I’m bored!

Do you hear that frequently? 🙂

Or maybe YOU have said that and are tired of doing the same things with your kids over and over again . . .

Need some new ideas?

Need to find local dance classes, sports teams, activities geared towards kids?

I came across this today and thought – “Where were you when MY kids were little?!”  🙂

This site was created by a mom like you and me – specifically for moms (and dads) who just need a place to find things to do with their kids around Hampton Roads (sorry for all those that don’t live here.  If you have a similar website/service in your area you want me to share – let me know!).

Here’s what she has to say on the “about” page:

This journey began last Thanksgiving as I was driving home from Boston with my 2 year old, 5 month old, and giant muppet of a dog…. listening to Elmo on repeat. My husband of course was deployed, we were all exhausted, and I was already focused on what activities we could find for the coming week.

As I tried to come up with ideas I kept thinking back to recent conversations with friends that all began “Does anyone know of dance or soccer for 2 year olds?” or “Has anyone found a preschool that they really love?” I started thinking how nice it would be to have all the kids activities in one place…maybe have some reviews so we could all get feedback from each other… and that was the moment….. was born.

I created this site for every one of us who has ever wondered what there was to do with the kids or grandkids, or where the local play areas were, or the closest library. Please, as you are clicking around the site, take a moment and leave reviews of activities and resources you have experience with. Someone will learn from it and be thankful for your feedback!

. . . .

Lots of great things to come….giveaways….guest blogs…..information and of course the activities and events. Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here!

~ Charlotte

Bored no longer!

Let me know what you think.

Has this site helped you find activities for your kids?

Have you left any reviews on the site?

How do you keep your active kids engaged, entertained, and more?

Is there another site you use frequently to find activities?  Please share!


Please share with your friends through the buttons below! Thanks!