A Future Olympic Gymnast?
I loved watching the Olympics as a kid. It was a family event – and my sister and I had dreams of becoming the next Olympic Gymnast or ice skating gold medal winner.

However, that would require me to actually know HOW to do gymnastics or ice skating. (I did work up to being able to go backwards on my skates on the frozen lakes in Minnesota . . . at a snail’s pace. Oh yeah – and I could do a cartwheel and a very scary round off. :))
But my lack of skills didn’t stop me from dreaming of being an Olympic Gymnast!
Passing on dreams of being an Olympic Gymnast?
The last several Olympics, I have to admit, we hadn’t really watched or paid much attention, but this year I was determined to introduce my kids to the fun, adventure and nights of cheering “USA . . . Go USA!”
Opening ceremonies . . . my 8 year old daughter announced – “This is boring? This is the Olympics? Where are the gymnastics? Is that person an Olympic gymnast? Where are the competitions?”
Soon baby . . . soon.
Instilling Olympic dreams Fail #1 🙁
When gymnastics finally came on – she watched for 2 seconds, said “cool” and then ran out of the room.
Instilling Olympic dreams Fail #2. 🙁
A future Olympic Gymnast born?
I was determined to get my kids to love the Olympics and enjoy cheering for our country.
The 1st week of August we spent a week with friends in NH – some fellow Olympic lovers (PTL!)- and by the end of the week – my kids were enjoying and rooting for Gabby, Aly and others.
And then one night I heard it . . .
“Mom . . . One day I’m going to be in the Olympics for gymnastics!”
My 8 year old daughter had caught the bug. She was starting to dream big dreams. (She doesn’t even take gymnastics . . . but has wanted to for years. We just haven’t had the money or time before now.)
“I bet you’ll do that baby!” I replied.
How could I poo-poo her dreams? How could I squash her visions of gold around her neck? My mom never did . . . and thus I lived blissfully happy dreaming of wearing gold while singing the national anthem!
Am I sad I never went to the Olympics (or even took lessons)? . . . . Sometimes.
Yes – there are still times that I get the urge to try a back handspring . . . But then my aging body reminds me that’s pretty much impossible now! 🙂
Olympic Gymnast Gabby Douglas – move over!
To top it off – In the grocery store yesterday, a sweet little old lady came up to my 8 year old daughter and out of the blue said “I bet you are going to be in the Olympics one day – aren’t you?”
My daughter’s jaw dropped as she replied with shock “Yes! How did you know?!” 🙂
The woman continued “You’re gonna be the next Gabby Douglas!” (a gold medal Olympic Gymnast!)
My daughter was on cloud nine and still stunned the rest of the day, asking me “Mom – how did she know? Why did she say that?”
A seed has been planted. A dream has begun . . .
I guess now I have to sign her up for gymnastics . . . don’t I? 🙂
New dreams . . .
As a mom of 5 kids – I have different dreams these days.
My dreams are for my kids.
My dreams are for my family.
My dreams are for others and how I can impact their lives.
I no longer dream of winning gold – but dream of “calling out the gold” in others – and seeing them fulfill their dreams, find out who they are, and know how amazingly they are loved!
What are your dreams?
Being an Olympic Gymnast?
A decathlon winner?
A guru in your area of expertise?
Being financially free?
Having kids?
Raising healthy, happy and whole kids?
What are your dreams?
Share with me below!
ps – Part of my dreams for my family is developing passive & other income through blogging and other means. If you have similar dreams – I’d love to see that come true for you as well! Join me!