The Road that Never Ends
I’m slow moving this morning (belly hasn’t felt right the last couple days). I’m thinking I may just have to snuggle up with a book today (haven’t done that in a long time!)
I tend to feel guilty about doing nothing but read or relax during the day as there is always a never-ending list of things to do!
But yesterday, in my quiet time with God, he told me that this “road” I was on (ie – my life, my long to-do list, etc) was looking and feeling dry, dusty and never-ending. (Yes it is!!) I keep walking and walking, trying to find the refreshing oasis at the end of it (ie – I feel like I have to keep “trudging along” – in my chores, my responsibilities, etc – hoping that after I’m all done with what I “have” or “need” to do – that THEN I will be able to rest.).
He told me that wasn’t going to happen – that this road doesn’t end (that’s for sure!).
Areas of Refreshment

However – there are little side-roads that contain the oasis’ and areas of refreshment! (yay!) I didn’t need to worry if I got off on one of those roads, because this main road would always be here (oh joy), and I would easily find my way back to it.
But here was the cool thing – when I took a brief trip down one of the side-roads for refreshment, for a drink of cool water and to rest . . . when i got back to the main road – it was no longer a dusty, dry, desert road, but it was surrounded by lush green grass, big tress and even wildlife! It had come alive! It was much more fun and enjoyable to walk down now. 🙂
Psalm 23:2-3a – He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.”
It’s OK to Stop and Rest!
God was telling me that it was OK to stop working so hard, to stop “in the middle” of trying to finish all my work, and to get some rest and refreshment. In doing so – my outlook on my “road” (my life), my surroundings, even the walk down this road – will drastically change!! (Ain’t that the truth).
So, for this workaholic and accomplishment-junkie . . . God told me it was OK to go have fun and rest! (that has been hard for me to do -and I’ve always felt guilty.)
I’ll tell you the same thing today too ladies . . . plan some fun and refreshment into your day (even if it’s just 15 minutes reading your favorite magazine/book, or making yourself a yummy treat (to eat all by yourself!), etc)!
Matthew 11:28-30 – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Add “Fun” to your To-Do List
I had actually created a new to-do list template a couple weeks ago – and on it I had put “Fun: ________” – with a place to write down what I was going to do for fun that day (to be intentional about it). But I never would fill it in (as if I couldn’t think of anything . . . or possibly felt guilty about it?? So weird.).
Well – You know I’m gonna fill it in from now on! 🙂 (God told me it was OK – so it must be OK!)