Day 4: Not much purging – but a productive day.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post – plans had to change, and the only thing in the house that I purged and cleaned was the medicine cabinet. But boy it felt good to throw away drugs, vitamins, coffee and tea that were anywhere from a year to almost 11 years past expiration! {Embarrassing!} I know I’ve purged that cabinet in the last 11 years – but not sure how some of those older meds were still in there! They must have been hiding last time! 🙂
Here are a few pics of the process:

As for the most “productive” part of my day . . . by far – it was being able to encourage, support, listen to and pray with a dear friend who is going through a rough time, and connecting with various members of my family today. That is why I am here. That is why we are all here – to live in loving relationships and community with others. I LOVED being able to talk and catch up with one of my sisters! It’s been too long since we had that much time to talk (I purged some while talking with her . . . as I do still like to multitask sometimes!). And then tonight my mom and dad surprised us by inviting all of us over for dinner – which was great, because I hadn’t even planned anything for dinner, nor wanted to cook (that’s becoming more of a trend lately. I really would love to be “done” with cooking . . . at least for the next 20 years or so. I’ve done it 20 years . . . can’t someone else cook for awhile? 🙂 Gotta train my kids!). We ended our “productive” day with a family movie – the new Muppets movie. Yes – I was breaking out in song right with them! Ahhh . . . I LOVED the Muppets! . . . ” . . . the Rainbow Connection . . . for lovers, and dreamers and me!” 🙂
So what was the most productive part of your day?
What did you accomplish?
What were your goals?
But more importantly – Who did you connect with and how did you affect or change their lives (or did they affect/change yours)?