Well . . . Yesterday I actually purged . . .
Yep – that’s right . . . I didn’t throw away a thing or go through anything. BUT – my hubby did go through all his clothes and had a huge pile of some old shirts, shorts, etc that I hadn’t seen in eons. Those definitely needed to go!
I spent the day doing my usual Wednesday chores – laundry, couponing/grocery shopping, and then added in buying b-day presents, hunting for a Victorian outfit at a thrift store for my son’s 4th grade play/musical coming up (he was mortified that we had to look in the “women’s” section! I tried to tell him that we were just not going to find a “frilly, fancy shirt” in the men’s section. 🙂 But God did bless us and we found what we needed fairly quickly!), cooking dinner, and then Bible study at church. Oh yes – and picking up the cat carrier from my mom – as our little kitten, Socks, was going to lose his manhood the next day. After finding him trying to spray in the pantry, and several spray spots on the curtains I had just washed, ironed and rehung . . . my husband decided this activity was not going to be tolerated any longer (Thankfully!)!
I’m proud of my hubby for hunting for a deal in getting our little guy neutered. Our vet wanted over $300 to do it!?! (The crazy thing is – I think I paid about that much for our little girl kitten years ago. I didn’t even think to check around for a better price as I was clueless about vets). Well – my hubby finally got in contact with a local Humane Society that would do the whole thing (including 3 days of pain meds for our little guy) for only $50! Wow – what a difference!
So – off he went today . . . {I’m sorry Socks. I hope you can forgive us!}
He’s home now and resting in our room. Poor little guy – he still looks a bit drugged up.
Day 4 – ? Change of plans . . . Medicine Cabinet
Well, I need to go get something purged today! I was going to tackle the boys room – but one of them went off to play at a friend’s and I want them both to be here to help us know what to throw out, etc. So – it’s on the agenda for tomorrow! I had plans to really dig into purging today since I didn’t do anything yesterday – but sometimes life throws you curve-balls. Talking through a difficult marriage situation with a friend of mine is one curve-ball that I will always set aside purging and cleaning for (actually – I’ll set those things aside for more anything . . . as I really don’t like doing them!). I also got a chance to catch up with my sister who I haven’t really talked to at length (except via email) for months! I miss her!
Today I did start purging the medicine cabinet while making breakfast this morning (was waiting for water to boil) – so I think I’ll go finish it. My 14 year old son and his friend joked me the other day asking if I was a drug dealer when they saw our overflowing cabinet!
It’s been a while since I purged it!
I’ll show you the before and after pics tomorrow.
For now – here’s a pic of our precious little blessing that we found outside in the rain one day last Sept. He was probably only 5 weeks old. We had to fish him out of my neighbors car engine! He evidently had done that before, because the tips of his ears and a spot by his eye had been burned and had scabs on them. (They’ve healed since then!) He was such an answer to prayer and a bright spot on a day that was pretty dreary (in many ways)! He is such a snuggler and we all love him (but our other cat doesn’t find that snuggling appealing and has taken to growling at Socks when he enters a room. I don’t blame our other cat (KC) – Socks could get a bit frisky!).

Yes, I am awesome.