As my 15 year old son gets ready to head out to an End-of-the-World party at a friend’s house tonight (Teenagers will use anything as an excuse to party – won’t they?! 🙂 And yes – I think there might be a few zombies at this party . . . because how fun would an end-of-the-world party be without zombies?! 🙂 ) . . . I reflect back on the last several years of him joking with me (kind of half-serious I think!) about how he was glad that at least his b-day was before the end of the world this year (5 days ago), but couldn’t he have his Christmas presents early? . . . “You know . . . just in case Christmas doesn’t come!” (I don’t think so bud! Good try!)
He has talked about this Mayan prediction for years . . . and as much as we have casually joked about it . . .
- What if we really did know when the end of the world would happen?
- What if we really did know how many years, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds we had left on this earth?
- What would you do differently?
- What would you do the same?
- Are there some things in your life that you would get right – with people . . . with God?
As I gratefully ponder the fact that we missed our demise today . . . It does cause me to think about these things.
- How many times have I told my kids and hubby I love them today? This week?
- How many hugs, snuggles, kisses, and even some high fives have I dished out and participated in?
- How many words of encouragement, affirmation and “calling out the gold” in my children and husband have I done recently?
- How many people have I shared God’s love with – in tangible ways (gifts, food, clothing, a healing touch, a gentle word, etc)?
None of us are ever guaranteed another day.
With tears in my eyes, I think about the moms and dads in Connecticut who sent their children off to school last Friday – anticipating a good day filled with making gingerbread houses, parties, after school lessons and rehearsals and more? And how many of them had their lives totally shattered and forever changed because of one person’s malicious act?
I’m sure it felt like the end of the world had come a week early to them.
What would you do differently?
You have been given another day! No matter how bad your day might have gone today . . . you are still alive – and so you are blessed!
What are you going to do with this blessing?
How are you going to affect the lives of those around you?
What are you going to do differently?
What things are you going to give up, take up, start or finish?
What truly matters to you in this world – and what kind of legacy do you want to leave behind (not for the zombies . . . but for your kids, grandkids, family and others!)?
I don’t know about you . . . but, even though I never thought the world would end today . . . I know that one day my world (life) will end . . . and I want to leave this world having lived my life well and abundantly!
“Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming — WOW– What a Ride!”
What are you going to do differently today as if tomorrow may never come?
Please share with us below in the comment section!
And I have to say . . . I’m glad that the end of the world wasn’t today and that we are all still here (. . . and that there are no zombies . . .well . . .except maybe at my son’s friend’s house tonight. Stay away from that neighborhood!)!
I think I’ll go snuggle with my kiddos and hubby and enjoy this day I’ve been blessed with! How about you?