She’s gonna blow!

Can I be honest and transparent with you today?

Thanks!  (You are always welcome to be honest and transparent with me as well!)

Sat morning I didn’t respond to something very well – at all! (I know none of you can relate!).

So – yesterday I was apologizing to my kids (again) – telling them that, yes, even moms have bad moments where we don’t respond well. Sometimes we let things build up – and eventually that pressure gets too great, and we can explode.

“Like a volcano?” my 9 year old asked.

Yes – like a volcano. I just let too many hurts, frustrations and anger build up and didn’t take care of it right away.

My 7 year old replies “Oh – did you have some of those roots of bitterness in you mom that you told me about?” 🙂  (She is so wise! And I’m glad she’s actually listening to what I’m teaching her!)

Yes, honey. I didn’t take care of the seeds of hurt right away, did I?

My kids are awesome! My hubby is awesome! My God is even more awesome!

Today is a new day!

Wounds have been healed, repentance has been spoken, forgiveness has been given, and those darn “roots” have been yanked up!

Thank you God! 🙂

Have you ever “exploded”?  Was it over something big or little?

Please share with your friends through the buttons below! Thanks!