Does this strike you as funny as it did to me?

Have you ever watched the Food channel, and found yourself drooling and feeling your belly growling over the delectable dishes that these culinary artists are creating in front of you?

Sometimes I swear I can even smell the goodness coming through my TV set!

Well, today I had an appointment with a Gastroenterologist (you know – the Docs that deal with your digestive system).  I signed in, filled out paperwork, and then was instructed to sit down till my name was called.

All normal.

Very typical.

There was even a TV on in the background, entertaining the other patients waiting their turn to be examined.

I was going to read a book (I always carry one in my purse – as this is how I actually get books read . . . during all the times I’m “waiting”) . . . but I got sucked into the show on the TV instead . . .

It was the Food channel!

Ok – does that strike anyone else funny . . . playing nothing but the Food channel in a waiting room where all the people sitting there are having some sort of digestive issues??  🙂

{That almost seems cruel!}

I sat and silently chuckled to myself, all the while enjoying watching Rachel Ray and others create foods I would have never thought of making myself (we tend to stick to quite the routine and boring menu, because with 5 kids with 5 different tastes . . . when I find something that everyone likes – I stick with it!).

It always inspires me (briefly) to expand my culinary skills and branch out into foods and ingredients that I can’t even pronounce.

That inspiration lasts only for a moment though . . . till I get home, am crazy-busy with taking care of this busy household, and then end up opening up a can of fruit, heating up frozen veges, and throwing together something simple, boring and probably pretty bland (but that everyone will eat!).  I used to tease my mom for her non-homemade meals (canned, frozen things) . . . until I had kids of my own.  I now understand!

{Lesson learned – judge not, lest ye be judged! 🙂  Sorry Mom!}

What have you seen that has struck you funny, as out of place, wrong, or just crazy?  Share with me below!

Abundant Blessings!

Lori 🙂

ps – Like this on FB to share with your friends – and see how many other crazy things you guys can come up with!  I always loved the funny/wrong photos, advertisements, etc that Jay Leno (or was it David Letterman) would share on their shows!  My kid’s favorite one – “Eat Here – Get Gas” (a sign at a gas station that also had a diner)!  🙂

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