Tragedy in Adopting

I have to share this with you all. I am sitting here snuggling with my little Guatemalan girl – crying and trying to explain this all to her – all the while, grateful that I have the chance to snuggle with her! My good friend Kelly (who I met through my adoption agency . .… Continue reading Tragedy in Adopting

22 Weeks

Please see my other blog – Drink from the Deep – to see the trailer for this movie based on a true story of one woman’s experience with delivering her baby alive during an abortion at 22 weeks. I hope and pray that you are able to see the movie too! Demand a screening in… Continue reading 22 Weeks

Hunger Banquet

Have you ever been to one? Have you ever hosted one? Have you ever heard of one? Doesn’t sound very appetizing, does it? Hunger Banquet. I would love to attend one sometime (I just found out a school locally hosted one a couple months ago and I missed it!). I would love for my kids… Continue reading Hunger Banquet

Signed Retainer . . . will win! (R. to S. update)

Yes folks . . .I have signed a retainer with the ACLJ in regards to our Candy Cane incident! The school’s legal counsel was not getting back to us. So – we will see what becomes of all this now that I’ve got the lawyers talking to each other (soon). I don’t know how much… Continue reading Signed Retainer . . . will win! (R. to S. update)

One Nation "Under God" & Return to Sender update

With all the craziness surrounding my daughter’s candy cane gifts – I just had to pass this on! Thank you B for sending it to me!! 🙂 SOMEBODY IS RAISING THEIR KID RIGHT! One Nation “Under God” One day a 6 year old girl was sitting in a classroom. The teacher was going to explain… Continue reading One Nation "Under God" & Return to Sender update

Return to Sender

Our “Merry Christmas” Candy Cane gift “Merry Christmas!” said 7 year old Meghan as she handed her classmate a present. “Thank you Meghan!” “You’re Welcome” she replied as she continued to pass out candy canes to each of her classmates during her lunch period at school. Her teacher had given her permission to pass out… Continue reading Return to Sender