$100,000 to blog about Deals?

$100,000 /year Blogging Job

Can you really make $100,000 in a year just blogging 2 to 3 times a week about coupons, deals and savings?

The answer is – Yes!

CheapSally.com – Bring Home the Bacon contest

Cheap Sally is going to pay someone (could it be you?  Could it be me?) $100,000 to blog for her 2-3 times a week next year (2012)!  She is looking for an awesome bargain hunter to find great deals and share them with the online world.  Does that sound like something you can do, or would like to do?

I have entered, and would LOVE your vote of confidence (and your votes!) to possibly join the CheapSally.com family of bargain hunters!  You can click on the image to vote & view my profile (and watch the crazy video my kids helped me make!  We all had fun making it!).


How it works!

If you are interested in signing up – I think the sign-up phase ends tonight August 31st (*But you can sign up after Sept 1st and the voting starts).  So – make your move quickly!  Sign up at cheapsally.com.

Voting starts tomorrow – on September 1st – 1 vote per day/per person/per email/per state (of contestant).  (See How it Works). Voting for phase 1 continues till Oct 31st (so please vote as many days as you can).  At that point the top 5 vote earners from each state will move on to round 2.

In November you can vote every day again – but on Black Friday and Cyber Monday – your votes will count as TWO votes!  So don’t forget to vote on those shopping days!  At the end of November – the top vote earner from each state will move on to round 3.

For 21 days in December, these contestants will be given an item to “buy” and what the retail price is.  For each dollar they “save” on that item (below retail value) + the dollar value of any coupon they used – they will receive 1 point.  At the end of 21 days, all points are tallied and the winner is the contestant with the most points!!

That person will become a blogger for CheapSally.com in Jan 2012 – and will start receiving bi-weekly paychecks! 🙂

Sign up or Vote

If you want to sign up – do it NOW!  *You can still sign up after the official voting starts . . . but you want to do it sooner rather than later so as to not miss a day of voting! 🙂  **Let me know if you signed up!  I’d love to know! 🙂

To enter, you must be over 21, live in the USA and be crazy about getting the best deals on whatever you buy. (From cheapsally.com)

If you would like to vote for me (and/or some other contestants . . . remember – you can vote for people in other states each day – but only 1 person in each state per day.)

Here’s a link to my profile page where you can see my answers to Sally’s questions:


or click this link –


Here’s the video my kids helped me make!  We had fun with it! 🙂  Enjoy!


Thanks a lot for your votes . . . and if you are signing up – I’m looking forward to the competition!! 🙂  May the best bargain-hunter win! 🙂

Good luck!

Please share with your friends through the buttons below! Thanks!